Affiliate Discount Program

Our professional and business philosophy is to freely share resources with our clients and with other like-minded quality professional continuing education programs. Therefore, we have set up an affiliate partner discount program which we shall grow. At this point, our first affiliate partner is BehavioralHealthCE (

logo-behavioralhealthceBehavioralHealthCE founder and president, William Deardorff, Ph.D., is a good friend and esteemed colleague. Dr. Deardorff is a board certified licensed clinical psychologist, workshop provider, and author. He has been so kind in providing us with generous help and support as we got our online home study CE program started. BehavioralHealthCE offers quality online training and a large range of behavioral health continuing education home study courses for behavioral health professionals in evidence-based approaches to improve treatment outcomes in everyday practice.

If you purchase any one of their courses with our discount code, “HypnosisCE” you will receive a 10% discount on the course.

Click here to learn more about BehavioralHealthCE’s programs.